Halfway To Homecoming


It may not be Fat Tuesday, but let’s get Mardi Gras started!

SXU alumni don your feather masks, beads, hats, and costumes, and gather your friends and family to join us on this “Fat Friday” for food, drinks, music and merriment!

FRIDAY  Ι  February 23, 2018  Ι  6:30-9:30 P.M. 

115 Bourbon Street

3359 W. 115th St  Ι  Merrionette Park, IL 60803


$35 for online registration (ends February 9 at 3 P.M.)

$40 at the door.

Must be 21 or older.


A portion of the proceeds will benefit Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation (S.O.A.R.), and organization dedicated to raising funds to improve the lives of people living with paralysis. For additional information, contact alumni@sxu.edu or call 773-298-3316 or visit www.sxu.edu, Keyword: Alumni.