There are many ways to donate:
US Mail
10254 195th St
Mokena, IL 60448
Make an impactful difference today, tomorrow and beyond…..
One of SOAR’S missions is to cure paralysis: paralysis caused by spinal cord injury, stroke, and diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and many others.
Statistics demonstrate that approximately 6 million people (1 in 50) live with some form of paralysis in the United States and roughly 1.25 million people in the United States are paralyzed as a result of spinal cord injuries. SOAR will launch an innovative approach designed to expedite and intensify spinal cord injury recovery.
SOAR is embarking on a bold and powerful journey to accelerate the pace of a spinal cord paralysis cure that can be implementer within a year. SOAR’S innovative cure for paralysis is based on the premiss that“The cure for paralysis is not walking” The hundreds of millions of dollars spent on spinal cord stem cell, electric stimulation, exoskeletons and other innovative cures is designed to get people back on their feet to regain some mobility. The current overwhelming premiss is that if people can walk or regain more mobility they will be empowered to regain happiness, control and become a productive person in society.
“The cure for paralysis is not walking” but regaining the intangible features that make up having a quality life. Some of these intangibles are feeling like you have a purpose, a relationship, independence, feeling like your contributing to society, control over getting an education, having a good job, and more. FACT; You don’t need to be walking to you have a purpose, a relationship, independence, feeling like your contributing to society, control over getting an education, having a good job, and more.
The SOAR Challenge will fund up to $10 million in total grants over a ten-year period for the spinal cord cure and improve and regain the life and some functionality for people living with paralysis. The ultimate goal of this resolute cure will be to foster collaboration, engage researchers, entrepreneurs and philanthropists to assist SOAR cure for paralysis.
YOU can help make an important and positive impact on the lives of paralyzed individuals as we launch this new process for a cure. We offer a variety of ways to make a gift—to honor a loved one, to remember a special occasion, to support specific projects and one or help SOAR meet its capital, technology and infrastructure needs through the years ahead. Consider making a gift now utilizing one of the following strategies: and contact Brian Swift President via email at: or by phone at 708-269-7064 for:
Annual Giving-monthly, quarterly, or annually
Gift of Appreciated Assets (including securities, real estate, collector items such as automobiles)
Planned Giving-Bequest, Charitable Lead Trusts and Remainder Trusts
Tribute Giving-Remember a Loved One
Honor a Caregiver
Host an Event or Program
Remember Matching Gifts from an Employer
To donate by mail send to:
10254 W 195th Street
Mokena, IL 60448
To donate to our GoFundMe page, use the button below.
SOAR is looking for volunteers in 2019. We will never ask you to do something your not comfortable doing. Below is a list of needs we have but if you have an idea of something you would like to help with please let us know!
- Send out emails
- Set up & take down at events
- Assist with advertising / marketing
- Assist with getting donations
- Organize baskets and raffle items for event
- Assist with securing a location for an event
- Become part of our board
Please contact us at for more information.
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Just search Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation.
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Thank you for supporting Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation.